Most of the time I have an idea of what I'm going to be doing in my studio in the morning. I draw or paint, I write on one of my journals, I finish what I started. Today I had this sudden urge to make a mobile. The last one I made was probably 7 months ago. It was hard work and at times very frustrating. So frustrating that I would just walk away and come back to it to work on it after a few days had passed.
Found a couple of twigs that I had lying around and little by little I started constructing the main structure. I didn't plan it. I played it by ear. A bead here, a cloth bird (that I sewed for something else) there, some feathers and as I went along, I kept trying to make the whole look pleasing to my eyes. And it was looking better and better but just as I attached one more little element, the whole thing needed balancing again.
All of a sudden it hit me. To be able to accomplish what I had set out to do, I needed to have the balance. My mobile was showing me that I had to stop for a minute. Take a deep breath perhaps? Listen to music. Calm my energy and flow a little more and be less task oriented. Just enjoy the process and a little at a time, I would build that mobile with the right elements to make it dangle in my patio and give me pleasure every time I see it. And I did and it all came to pass. I left my studio in peace with myself and my surroundings.